Burden of Life!

After a tiresome day at office,i drove towards home.The traffic parade at its usual on the busy lanes of ahmedabad.Before i reach my destination i needed to make a quick stop.

A moment of relaxation , was upon me when standing at the corner of a shop, i saw an old man carrying two heavy sacks in his hands.

He was travelling to the same direction to where i live. I just observed him for a minute how desperately he was trying to carry the heavy load ,which i could feel when he stopped for a moment to regain some strength and grip.

Feeling pity for the old man i wondered at this age no man should be burdened like this.So it kicked my conscience to do the righteous thing.

Grabbing my bag putting it on my shoulders i simply hopped on my bike,started it and drove it near to him. For a moment i hesitated to offer him assistance in my mind, which stopped my tongue from rolling the words out ,but i wondered in a quick moment there was nothing to loose.

So i politely asked him whether i could drop him off to his destination , he was completely astonished at this gesture, as we were complete strangers to one another. He replied son thanks a lot and tried to get on. But due to his age it was not n easy feat quite getting on to the bike so i told him to give me the bags so it will be more convenient for him. After driving for a couple of minutes and with a few directions provided by him we reached his destination which was just near a temple beside my house .He mounted off the bike and i handed him over his bags.Since the bags were quite heavy i also gradually got of the bike and again offered him my help to drop off the bags to where he lived.He pointed towards a small house and said this is where i live and said let me carry it now.

Thanking me he went on and added that he had bought the house for a meager ₹5000 bucks .I wondered why he was giving out these unnecessary detail’s to me.But i felt that there was more to the story so i didnt interupt and listened to what he had to say. Every one in his family was against him when he bought this house as it was a dammed place to live on at that time,to put all his investment in it. But Today it can be easily sold for millions.Those who were against him regret saying otherwise.

He added that,

“It was his hard work that put a roof over his head, but more of it was his responsibility to carry the weight of his decision which should drive his life and that made his family understand his worth so how could he today not carry the bags”.

I just stopped for a moment and observed his shabby clothes his undo hair and thought for a moment all this struggle he faced in his life yet i was confused at what he meant.

He asked me whether i would like to come in for a warm cup of tea. I politely refused and replied with a promise of the future.
While i was starting to leave he spoke few golden words , which cleared my confusions for which i had to narrate the whole story with descriptions.

As i am gonna quote him

“We all are born with the responsibility to carry burdens in our life till the moment we leave the last burden to be spread in ashes ,

Till then carry your own weight”.

Putting his words into my thoughts, i realised we always think we are burdened in life.

But we need to stop thinking it in that sense and wonder aint it our weight and our responsibilities so who is responsible for them, US.

So i learned from him that day ,

Taking Responsibility of our own burdens is what makes us who we are!

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